X-rays and gamma rays occupy a specific region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
- Introduction to X-Rays and Gamma Rays
- Radiographs and Photographs
- The Discovery of Radioactivity
- The Discovery of X-Rays
- The Discovery of Radioactive Elements
- The Curies
- Radioactivity and Radioisotopes
- Radioactive Decay
- Nuclear Reactions
- Radioactive Half-Life
- Radioactive Half-Life (Continued)
- Carbon-14 Dating
- X-Ray Generation
- Nature of Penetrating Radiation
- X-Radiation
- Gamma Radiation
- Activity of Radionuclides
- Isotope Decay Rate
- Ionization
- Newton's Inverse Square Law
- Interaction Between Penetrating Radiation and Matter
- Transmitted Intensity and Linear Attenuation Coefficient
- Half-Value Layer
- Sources of Attenuation
- Compton Scattering
- Geometric Unsharpness
- Filters in Radiography
- Secondary (Scatter) Radiation and Undercut Control
- Radiation Safety