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- Tangential - See
- Target - A material bombarded
by any radiation, as the target is bombarded by electrons in an
x-ray tube.
- Temporary Magnet
- A body of a soft steel or piece of iron which is
readily magnetized but retains only a very small field after the
active power of the external magnet field is
- Tensile - Pertaining to
forces on a body that tend to stretch, or elongate, the body. A
rope or wire under load is subject to tensile
- Tensile Strength - In tensile
testing, the ratio of maximum load to the original cross-sectional
- Tenth Value Layer - That
thickness of any material which will reduce radiation intensity by
a factor of 10.
- Test Coil - Coil coupled to
test material. It senses geometric, electric and magnetic changes
in test material.
- Test Frequency
- The frequency f vibration of the ultrasonic
transducer employed for ultrasonic testing.
- Test Surface - That surface
of the test object at which the ultrasonic energy enters or
- Thermal Cycles - Repetitive
changes in temperature, that is, from a low temperature to a high
temperature, and back again.
- Thompson-Gray Model -
A model that allows the approximate prediction of ultrasonic
scattering measurements made through liquid-solid
- Thomson Scattering (R) - When an x-ray photon interacts with the whole atom so that the
photon is scattered with no change in internal energy to the
scattering atom, nor to the x-ray photon.
- Three Phase Alternating
Current - commercial electricity is commonly transmitted
as three single-phase currents, that is, these separate currents
following separate sine curves, each at 60 cycles (or other
frequency) per second, but with the peaks of their individual
curves one-third of a cycle apart. At least three (sometimes four)
conductors are required for three phase alternating
- Threshold - In reference to
current or magnetic fields, the minimum strength necessary to
create a looked-for effect is called the threshold value. For
example, the minimum current necessary to produce a readable
indication of a given defect is the threshold value of current for
the purpose.
- Threshold Dose - The minimum
dose that will produce a detectable degree of any given
- Through Hardening - Hardening
of a metal part, usually steel, in which the hardness across a
section of the part is essentially uniform; that is, the center of
the section is only slightly lower in hardness than the
- Through-Transmission - A test
method in which ultrasonic energy is transmitted through the test
object and received by a second transducer on the opposite side.
Changes in received signal amplitude are taken as indications of
variations in material continuity.
- 3-2T Radiography
- Quality level of radiography in which the
finished radiograph displays a discernible image of a penetrameter
hole that has a diameter equal to twice the penetrameter thickness.
The penetrameter thickness equals 3 percent of the material
- Thulium 170
- A radioisotope of the element
- Time Base - See
- Time Delay - See sweep
- Time of Flight
- The time for an acoustic wave to travel between
two points, Fro example, the time required for a pulse to travel
from the transmitter to the receiver via diffraction at a
discontinuity edge or along the surface of the test
- Time Response - A
means for describing radio frequency (RF) response of the
- Toe Crack - a base-metal
crack at the toe of the weld.
- Toe of Weld - the junction
between the face of a weld and the base metal.
- Tolerance Dose - For
industrial safety guidelines. 100 mr/week. (The word "tolerance"
should not be understood to have the meaning "allowable," e.g.
tolerance on machined parts.)
- Tone -
The distinctive property of a
complex sound.
- Tone Burst
- A wave train consisting of several cycles of the
same frequency.
- Torque - A measure of the
twisting moment applied to a part under a torsional stress. Usually
expressed in terms of inch pounds or foot pounds, although the
terms “pound inches” and “pound feet” are technically more accurate
for torsional moments.
- Torsion - A twisting action
applied to a generally shaft-like, cylindrical, or tubular member.
The twisting may be either reversed (back and forth) or
unidirectional (one way).
- Toughness - Ability of a
material to absorb, energy and deform plastically before
fracturing. Toughness is proportional to the area under the
stress-strain curve from the origin to the breaking point. In
metals, toughness is usually measured by the energy absorbed in a
notch impact test.
- Tracers - A radioactive element whose
pathway through which a chemical reaction can be
- Transducer - An
electroacoustic or magnetoacoustic device containing an element for
converting electrical energy into acoustical energy and vice versa.
See search unit.
- Transducer Element - The
component in a transducer that actually converts the electrical
energy into acoustical energy and vice versa. The transducer
element is often made of a piezoelectric material or a
magnetostrictive material.
- Transformer - A
transformer is simple a device that transforms electricity form one
voltage to another.
- Transgranular Fracture -
Through, or across, the crystals or grains of a metal. Same as
transcrystalline and intracrystalline. Contrasted to intergranular
fracture. The most common type of transgranular fracture are
fatigue fractures. Cleavage fractures, dimpled rupture fractures,
and shear fractures.
- Transient Currents - These
currents are of short duration, generated by sudden changed in the
electrical or magnetic conditions existing in an electrical or
magnetic circuit.
- Transmission Angle - The
incident angle of a transmitted ultrasonic beam. It is zero degrees
when the beam is perpendicular (normal) to the test
- Transmission
Characteristics - Test object
characteristics that influence the passage of ultrasonic energy,
including scattering, attenuation or surface
- Transmission Technique - See
- Transmitter - The transducer
that emits ultrasonic energy.
- The electrical circuits that generate the signals emitted by the
- Transmutation - The
change of one element into another as a result of changes within
the nucleus.
- Transverse - Literally
“across,” usually signifying a direction or plane perpendicular to
the axis of a part.
- Tritium - A radioactive
isotope of hydrogen with two neutrons and one proton in the
nucleus. It is heavier than deuterium (heavy hydrogen). Tritium is
used in industrial thickness gages, as a label in tracer
experiments and in controlled fusion experiments.
- Tungsten - A metal
commonly used to make the plugs used for connecting metal wires to
one another or to the devices in integrated
- Two-crystal Method - Use of 2
crystals for sending and receiving. May be pulse-echo or through
transmission method.
- Two-Film Technique
- A procedure wherein two films of different
relative speeds are used simultaneously to radiograph both the
thick and the thin sections of an item.
- 2.2 T Radiography
- Quality level of radiography displays a
discernible image of a penetrameter hole that has a diameter equal
to twice the penetrameter thickness. The penetrameter thickness
equals 2 percent of the material thickness.