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- Safelight - A special lamp
used in the darkroom to provide working visibility without
affecting the photosensitive emulsion of the radiographic
- Samarium 145 - A radioisotope
of the element samarium.
- Saturation (Magnetic) - A
condition where incremental magnetic permeability of a
ferromagnetic material becomes 1.0.
- Saturation Level - The limit
of indication height that is obtained as the area of the
discontinuity is increased.
- Scanning - Movement of the transducer
over the surface of the test object in a controlled manner so as to
achieve complete coverage. May be either contract or immersion
method. Eddy current data can be collected using
automated scanning systems to improve the quality of the
measurements and to construct images of scanned
- Scatter to Primary Ratio -
The energy of the scattered radiation (S) divided by the energy of
primary beam (P) striking the same point on the imaging
- Scattering - Random reflection of
ultrasonic waves by small discontinuities or surface
- Scattering Ultrasonic
- Dispersion of ultrasonic waves in a medium due
to causes other than absorption.
- Schlieren System
- An optical system used for visual display of an
ultrasonic beam passing through a transparent
- Scintillation Counter - A
device for counting atomic particles by means of tiny flashes of
light (scintillations) which the particles produce when they strike
certain crystals.
- Search Unit - An assembly
comprising a piezoelectric element, backing material (damping),
wear plate or wedge (optional) and leads enclosed in a housing.
Also called transducer or probe.
- Secondary Field - The
magnetic field produced by induced eddy currents.
- Secondary Radiation
- Particles or rays produced by the interaction of
any type of primary radiation with matter, e.g. Compton recoil
- Seeability - The
characteristic of an indication that enables an observer to see it
against the adverse conditions of background, outside light,
- Segregation - Nonuniform
distribution of alloying elements, impurities or
- Segregation (Radiography) - Variation in film
density which can be explained by segregation of elements of atomic
numbers different from that of the matrix.
- Self-Emulsifiable
- The property of a liquid penetrant to combine
satisfactorily with water, in either emulsion or solution form, to
permit its being removed from a surface by washing (rinsing) in
water. Synonymous with water-washable.
- Self-Inductance - The
property of an electric circuit or component that caused an e.m.f.
to be generated in it as a result of a change in the current
flowing through the circuit.
- Semi-Infinite Conductor - A crystalline solid, such as silicon or germanium, with an
electrical conductivity intermediate between that of a conductor
and an insulator.
- Send-Receive - The variations
in the test object which affect current flow within the test object
can be detected by observing their effect upon the voltage
developed across a secondary receive coil.
- Send/Receive Transducer - A transducer
consisting of two piezoelectric elements mounted side by side
separated by an acoustic barrier. One element transmits, one
- Sensitivity - A measure of
the ability to detect small signals. Limited by the signal-to-noise
- Sensitivity Panel - A plated
metal panel with cracks of know depth induced into the plating;
used to evaluate and compare penetrant
- Sensitometric - The
process or technique of producing images of an opaque object on
photographic film or on a fluorescent screen by means of
- Series Circuit - A
circuit that has only one path for the electrons to
- Shadow (Ultrasound) - A region in a test
object that cannot be reached by ultrasonic energy traveling in a
given direction. Shadows are caused by geometry or the presence of
intervening large discontinuities.
- Shallow Discontinuity
- A discontinuity open to the surface of a solid
object which possesses little depth in proportion to the width of
this opening. A scratch or nick may be a "shallow discontinuity" in
this sense.
- Shear - A type of force that
causes or tends to cause two regions of the same part or assembly
to slide relative to each other in a direction parallel to their
plane of contact. May be considered on a microscale when planes of
atoms slide across each other during permanent, or plastic,
deformation. May also be considered on a macroscale when gross
movement occurs along one or more planes, as when a metal is cut or
sheared by another metal.
- Shear Fracture
- Fracture that occurs when shear stresses exceed
shear fractures are transverse fracture of a ductile metal under a
torsional (twisting) stress, and fracture of a rivet cut by sliding
movement of the joined parts in opposite directions, like the
action of a the pair of scissors.
- Shear Horizontal Wave
- A shear wave in which the particle vibration is
parallel to the incidence surface. Abbreviated SH
- Shear Lip - A narrow,
slanting ridge, nominally about 45° to the surface, along the edge
of a fracture of a ductile tensile specimen, the shear lip forms
the typical “cup-and-cone” fractures. Shear lips may be present on
the edges of some predominantly brittle fractures to form a
“picture frame” around the surface of a rectangular
- Shear Vertical Wave - A shear
wave in which the plane of vibration is normal to the incidence
surface. Abbreviated SV wave.
- Shear Waves - Waves which move
perpendicular to the direction the wave
- Shear Wave Transducer
- An angle beam transducer designed to cause
converted shear waves to propagate at a nominal angle in a
specified test medium.
- Shielding - A barrier
surrounding a region to exclude it from the influence of an energy
- Shoe (Ultrasound) - A device used to adapt
a straight beam transducer for use in a specific type of testing,
including angle beam or surface wave tests and tests on curved
surfaces. See also wedge.
- Shot Peening - A carefully
controlled process of blasting a large number of hardened spherical
or nearly spherical particles (shot) against the softer surface of
a part. Each impingement of a shot makes a small indentation in the
surface of the part, thereby inducing compressive residual
stresses, which are usually intended to resist fatigue fracture or
stress-corrosion cracking.
- Shrink (Materials) - Internal rupture
occurring in castings due to contraction during cooling. Also
applied to surface shrinkage cracks.
- Shrinkage Cavity - Cavities
in castings caused by lack of sufficient molten metal as the
casting cools. A small bubble in metal that
appears as dendritic, filamentary, or jagged darkened area on a
radiograph film.
- Shrinkage Cracks - Hot tears
associated wit shrinkage cavities.
- Shrinkage Porosity or Sponge
- A localized lacy, or honeycombed, darkened area on a film that
indicates porous metal.
- SH Wave - See shear horizontal wave.
- Signal (Eddy Current Testing) - A change in eddy
current instrument output voltage; It has amplitude and
- Signal-to-Noise Ratio - Ratio between defect signal amplitude and that from
non-relevant indications. Minimum acceptable ratio is
- Single-Phase
Alternating Current - Simple
current, alternating in direction. Commercial single-phase current
follows a sine wave. Such a current requires only two conductors
for its circuit. Most common commercial Frequencies are 25, 50 and
60 cycles per second.
- Skin Depth - See depth of
- Skin Effect - A phenomenon
where induced eddy currents are restricted to the surface of a test
sample. Increasing test frequency reduces
- Skip Distance - In angle beam
tests of plate or pipe, the distance from the sound entry point to
the first reflection point on the same surface. See
- Slag Inclusions - Nonmetallic
solid material entrapped in weld metal or between weld metal and
base metal.
- Sliver (Materials)
- A discontinuity consisting of a
very thin elongated piece of metal attached by only one end to the
parent metal into whose surface it has been
- Snell’s Law - The physical law that
defines the relationship between the angle of incidence and the
angle of refraction.
- Soak Time - The period time
wherein the emulsifier remains in contact with the liquid
penetrant/emulsifier is quenched with water, or completely removed
by water rinsing. Synonymous with emulsification
- Soft X-Rays - The quality or
penetrating power of x-radiation; their penetrating power is
relatively slight.
- Solenoid -
An electrically charged coil of insulated wire
which produces a magnetic field within the coil.
- Solidification Shrinkage -
The decrease in volume of a metal during
- Solvent Action - The
dissolution of a fluid or solid by another
- Solvent Cleaning
- The process of removing the excess penetrant
from the surface of a part by washing or wiping with a solvent for
the penetrant.
- Solvent Developer
- A developer in which the developing powder is
applied as a suspension in a quick-drying
- Solvent Remover - A
nonaqueous liquid employed in removal of surface penetrant from
parts or for removal of unwanted background porosity
- Sound - Mechanical
vibrations transmitted in an elastic gas, liquid, or solid.
- Sound Wave Interference - When two or more sound waves
from different sources are present at the same time, they interact
with each other to produce a new wave.
- Sound Wave Propagation - The way sound vibrations travel through different
- Source (Radiography) - The origin of
radiation; an x-ray tube or a radioisotope.
- Source-Film Distance - The
distance between the focal spot of an x-ray tube or radiation
source and the film; generally expressed in
- Source Material (Radiography)
- In atomic energy law, any material, except
special nuclear material, which contains 0.05% or more of uranium,
thorium, or any combination of the two.
- Spalling - The cracking and
flaking of particles out of a surface.
- Specific Acoustic Impedance -
See acoustic impedance.
- Specific Activity - The activity, in curies, of 1
gram of any radioactive source.
- Specific Gravity - The
ratio of the density of any substance to the density of some other
substance taken as standard
- Specific Ionization
- Number of ion pair per unit length of path of
the ionizing particle in a medium, e.g. per cm of air or per micron
of tissue.
- Spectrum - The distribution
of frequencies in a signal.
- Spectrum Response
- The amplification (gain) of a receiver over a
range of frequencies.
- Spherical Wave
- A wave in which points of the same phase lie on
surfaces of concentric spheres.
- Spline - A shaft with a
series of longitudinal, straight projections that fit into slots in
a mating part to transfer rotation to or from the
- Spot Examination - Local
examination of welds or castings.
- Spread Spectrum - A
method of testing material using a correlation of continuous
signals rather than pulse-echo or pitch-catch
- Spurious Echo - A general
term used for any indication that cannot be associated with a
discontinuity or boundary at the location
- Squint Angle
- The angle by which the ultrasonic beam axis
deviated from the probe axis.
- Squirter - See water
- Stable Isotope
- A nuclide that does not undergo radioactive
- Stacked Crystal - Several
crystals cemented together with the daces of the same polarity in
the same direction.
- Stain Ratio - The
ratio of the change in length to the original
- Standard - A reference object
used as a basis for comparison or calibration.
- A concept established by authority, custom or agreement to serve
as a model or rule in the measurement of quantity or the
establishment of a practice or procedure.
- Standing Wave - A wave in
which the energy flux is zero at all points. Such waves result from
the interaction of similar waves traveling in opposite directions
as when reflected waves meet advancing waves. A particular case is
that of waves in a body whose thickness is an integral multiple of
half-wavelengths, as in resonance testing.
- Stepped Wedge
- A device which is used, with appropriate
penetrameters on each step, for the inspection of parts having great
variations in thickness or a complex geometry. The stepped wedge
must be made of material radiographically similar to that being
- Stop Bath - A mild acetic acid solution used to arrest film
- Storage Container - A device
in which sealed sources are transported or
- Straight Beam
- An ultrasonic wave traveling normal to the test
- Strain - A measure of
relative change in the size or shape of a body. “Linear strain” is
change (increase or decrease) in a linear dimension. Usually
expressed in inches per inch (in. /in.), or millimeters per
millimeter (mm/mm).
- Stress - Force per unit area,
often thought of as a force acting through a small area within a
plane. It can be divided into components, perpendicular and
parallel to the plane, called normal stress and shear stress,
respectively. Usually expressed as pounds per square inch (psi), or
megapascals (MPa).
- Stress Concentration -
Changes in contour, or discontinuities, that cause local increases
in stress on a metal under load. Typical are sharp-cornered
grooves, threads, fillets, holes, etc. Effect is most critical when
the stress concentration is perpendicular (normal) to the principal
tensile stress. Same as notch or stress raiser.
- Stress Corrosion -
Preferential attack area under stress in a corrosive environment,
where such an environment alone would not have caused
- Stress-Corrosion Cracking -
Failure by cracking under combined action or corrosion and a
tensile stress, either external (applied) or internal (residual).
Cracking may be either intergranular or transgranular, de pending
on the metal and the corrosive medium.
- Stress Intensity - A measure of the magnitude of the
stress singularity ahead (beyond) the crack tip.
- Stress Measurement - A
measurement of the stress on a given
- Striations -Microscopic
ridges or lines on a fatigue fracture that show the location of the
tip or the fatigue crack at some point in time. They are locally
perpendicular to the direction of growth of the fatigue crack. In
ductile metals, the fatigue crack advances by one striation with
each load application, assuming the load magnitude is great enough.
Must not be confused with beachmarks, which are much larger and are
formed in a different way.
- Stringers - In metals that
have been hot worked, elongated patterns of impurities, or
inclusions, that are aligned longitudinally. Commonly the term is
associated with elongated oxide or sulfide inclusions in
- Subatomic Particles - Particles that are smaller than the atom (protons, neutrons,
electrons are the three main ones).
- Subionization - When
low energy electrons interact with an atom giving the orbital
electrons a little excess energy.
- Substrate - Layer of metal
underlying a coating, regardless of whether the layer is basis
- Subsurface Discontinuity -
Any discontinuity which does not open onto the surface of the part
in which it exists. Not detectable by liquid penetrant
- Surface-Breaking Cracks - Cracks formed on the surface of an
- Surface Probe - A probe for
testing surfaces, which has a finite coverage. The coil is usually
pancake in shape.
- Surface Waves - See Rayleigh
- Survey (Radiography) - An evaluation of the
radiation hazards incident to the production, use, release,
disposal, or presence of radioactive materials or other sources of
radiation under a specific set of conditions. When appropriate,
such evaluation includes a physical survey of the location of
materials and equipment, and measurements of levels of
- Suspension - Liquid bath in
which a solid is suspended in liquid.
- SV Wave - See shear vertical wave.
- Sweep (Ultrasonics)
- The uniform and repeated movement of a spot
across the screen of the cathode ray tube to form the horizontal
- Sweep Delay - A delay in time
of starting the sweep after the initial pulse. Also denotes the
control for adjusting the time.
- Sweep Length - The length of
time or distance represented by the horizontal baseline on an
- Swept Frequency Technique - An eddy
current techniques the involves collecting data at a wide range of
frequencies and looking for signal changes as a function of