Home > Education Resources > Science of NDT > Radiography
X-Rays and Gamma Rays
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Radiographs and Photographs
- The Discovery of Radioactivity
- Atoms and Elements
- Chemical Formula
- Subatomic Particles
- Isotopes
- Atomic and Mass Numbers
- Electrons
- Stable and Unstable Atoms
- Radioactivity and Radioisotopes
- Radioactive Decay
- Nuclear Reactions
- Radioactive Half-life I
- Radioactive Half-life II
- X-Ray Generation
- Characteristics of Radiation
- Interaction with Matter
- Ionization
- Depth of Penetration and
Radiation Energy - Radiation Sources
- X-Ray Generators
- High Energy Radiation Systems
- Detecting and Measuring
- Uses of Radiation
- Making a Radiograph